segunda-feira, 12 de agosto de 2019



    The company where I am doing the internship is called VassIT. It is a Spanish company that have many affiliates around the world. One of them is VassIT, which is based in London. The company offices are in the Victoria Train Station. The station has offices in the uppers floors of its building that anyone can rent. Therefore, there are many companies working there. Our is on the third floor.

    The offices are good. You are always around 22 degrees of temperature, does not matter what kind of weather is outside. You have kitchen to heat up your food. In addition, they give you free milk, water and coffee. All is always clean. Apart from that, in our company we have Nespresso and other types of coffee. You can find there a thousand types of tea too. If you like tea, you will probably feel like being in paradise (I hate it). English people drinks tea anywhere, anytime. I truly hate it.

    When it comes to it, most of the people in the office buy their food outside of the building every day. There are tons of restaurants and food markets around the place. You can enjoy good food from any part of the word. There is Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc. Of course, you can eat the typical fish and chips (although I am not a fan of fish, so I do not know how it taste yet jeje).

    The people in the company is the best part of all my experience. There is people from all around the world. Brazilians, Romanians, Portuguese, English, Germany… and of course, Galicia. Because some people from our institute that made their internship here, just like me, stayed after it. In fact, I am going to stay in here too. So if you decide to make your internship here, will probably meet each other. The people is so friendly and nice and they treat the internships (trainees, as we are called here) amazingly well. I never pay anything when we go out for drinks (and believe me, I drink a lot jaja). They have even invited me to expensive meals that, otherwise, as a poor internship person, I could not be able to afford it.

    The work environment is amazing. Of course, you have to work, but in a relaxed and friendly space. You can feel the difference between our company and all the other companies. We always have doors open, we do not have to go to work with suits or some shit like that, etc.

    This company is a consultancy one. Which means that we work for other companies. Some of them are well known, like Vodafone or Santander, and others are less known. However, always for other companies. Right know, I changed my project and I am working for a Dubai company. We made them their internal web page. I am working with Oracle Servers and Database, programming in Java, and using HTML, CSS and JavaScript for the front-end part.

Therefore, that is it. See you in my next entry. By Londoner.

1 comentário:

  1. Great article Adrián! Thank-you very much for leting us know about your company and for including so nice pictures. Congratulations and good luck with the new stage of your life that you are beginning! Do not forget that there are good companies in Galicia too and you can come back any time.
