quarta-feira, 24 de junho de 2015
segunda-feira, 22 de junho de 2015
Jornada de acogimiento
Hoy recibimos al alumnado del INETE en el IES San Clemente, donde recibieron un cursillo de Español de la mano de Dolores Díaz y conocieron a la directora Carmen Viñas y al resto del equipo de proyectos europeos: Cristina París y Susa Lastres.
domingo, 21 de junho de 2015
Despedida dos Estagiários Lisbonenses
Esta quinta-feira dia 18 foi o nosso último dia de estágio em Lisboa. Da parte de todos os estagiários de SMR queremos agradecer aos professores do INETE pelo excelente trabalho. À doutora Ana Baio, que nos levou a passear por Lisboa e nos ajudou em tudo o que lhe foi possível, às empresas nas quais realizamos o estágio: Teleperformance e a Mapfre e ao centro IES San Clemente por nos dar a oportunidade de irmos de Erasmus a Lisboa e por nos ter ajudado em tudo.
Recomendo esta experiência a todos os alunos de SMR.
Um abraço desde Santiago de Compostela.
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Vários alunos a fazer os relatórios finais Erasmus+ |
Recomendo esta experiência a todos os alunos de SMR.
Um abraço desde Santiago de Compostela.
sábado, 20 de junho de 2015
sexta-feira, 19 de junho de 2015
Cuatro más una, de LX a SdC

realizar cuatro semanas de prácticas en empresas de Santiago de Compostela dentro del proyecto Erasmus+: Francisca Mila, Inês Salvador, Paulo Soares y Rúben Colaço.
Les acompaña en sus primeros días la orientadora Ana Baio.
Fuimos a recibirlos a la estación de autobús varios miembros de la comunidad educativa del IES San Clemente: el profesor Marcos Vence, la aluna Yolanda García (recién llegada de realizar sus prácticas en Lisboa) y el ex alumno Kike Moure (que también fue estagiário en Lisboa).
Después de colocar las maletas en la que será su vivienda durante este período y de comprobar el buen funcionamiento de la red wifi :-) dimos un pequeño paseo por el Ensanche compostelano e hicieron algunas compras.
Documentación da FCT
Este é aspecto da mesa do departamento de informática despois de que Cristina e eu organizásemos a documentación da FCT e de Erasmus+ de catro dos dez alumnos que acaban as súas prácticas.
Isto non é nada... :-D
O luns, cinco máis.
E aínda faltan os certificados Europass Mobility, os Suplementos ao Título Europass, Certificados de participación...
quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2015
English in IES San Clemente
Each week, a group of students as well as a class of teachers participate in a 50- minute English class as part of the bilingual section of San Clemente. Classes focus on developing pronunciation and grammar skills. The main objective of these classes is to get everyone involved and speaking. Classes typically involve a grammar review followed by a related activity; such as a game or follow-up questions.
In the student-based classes, we have been working in pairs or groups in order to get everyone participating. Working in groups allows students to work out any doubts they may have as well as understand the reasoning. We often play Jeopardy – where students break up into teams and answer questions related to a specific category or topic. Categories range from filling in the blank with the correct word, speaking, and forming questions.
In the teacher-based classes; we focus on speaking, listening, and comprehension. We oftentimes read news articles or watch talks such as TED Talks. After reading or listening to a talk, we discuss what we thought about the material.
In the student-based classes, we have been working in pairs or groups in order to get everyone participating. Working in groups allows students to work out any doubts they may have as well as understand the reasoning. We often play Jeopardy – where students break up into teams and answer questions related to a specific category or topic. Categories range from filling in the blank with the correct word, speaking, and forming questions.
In the teacher-based classes; we focus on speaking, listening, and comprehension. We oftentimes read news articles or watch talks such as TED Talks. After reading or listening to a talk, we discuss what we thought about the material.

quarta-feira, 17 de junho de 2015
Everything comes to an end and sadly my Dublin internship is finished, and I want to do a last post to talk about the company where I did my internship, UsherU.
I've been working at UsherU for nearly three months, a startup dedicated to help theatres to sell available seats offering users deals like, for example cheaper prices, 2x1 tickets or free meals on cinemas.
A couple of weeks after my incorporation, the UsherU app was launched for iOS and Android, offering users information about available movies on cinemas, trailers,... and of course, the deals. The deals started in London cinemas, but in a couple of months they will be available in Dublin as well, and with more time more cities will be added to the list. Hopefully, Santiago will have UsherU offers for cinemas soon.
want to finish this post by thanking my colleagues, especially
Andrés, for their support and kindness during my stay, not only
in the company but also in Dublin.
Javier.segunda-feira, 15 de junho de 2015
Quase a chegar ao fim...
Em junho chegou o bom tempo, as festas em Lisboa e o final dos estágios. A Victoria, a Yolanda, o Jose e o Gabriel formaram um grupo muito interessante e todos tiveram uma prestação muito
quarta-feira, 3 de junho de 2015
Encontro dos alunos do IES San Clemente e o INETE
Hoje, dia 3 de junho, encontramo-nos no INETE para trocar ideias, os estagiários de Lisboa com os futuros estagiários de Compostela.
Do INETE são, da esquerda para a direita, Francisca e Inês. Detrás delas, Paulo e Rúben.
Do San Clemente, Gabriel, Yolanda e Victoria.
Do INETE são, da esquerda para a direita, Francisca e Inês. Detrás delas, Paulo e Rúben.
Do San Clemente, Gabriel, Yolanda e Victoria.
segunda-feira, 1 de junho de 2015
My feelings about Dublin after more than 2 months
Hi guys
! (and also ladys)
It has passed a long time from my last post in this blog, my apologies. I had not time to do things like this in the last weeks, I was looking for a job
, after I left from my company, everyday.
After two months living on Dublin
I can say that It was a nice experience. It you are thinking to came here and you don´t have a good
english skills, don't worry, here is the place to be, to learn and to enjoy.
The last week my teacher Carrión was here doing something in the Trinity College, he met all of us on some pubs around Dublin and we were able to met a spanish teacher from Trinity College. On saturday we went to the east coast to visit Bray
, there was a nice place to walk seeing the sea and the mountains. So beautiful place. We came walking from bray to the Bono's house and the "pirulí" (as how we call this monument :D haha) on the top of an mountain. After a long day we were back on the city centre, when we were eating the dinner we hear on the radio that the "YES" won already in the referendum. It means that the gay and lesbian couples are able to marry at the present on Ireland. The city centre had a very nice atmosfere, there were a lot of people on the road with instruments or singing, a lot of people disguised. Was a very funny day to me, but all that is good has a final.
In my company we are currently working on a web app, we are close to finish it. I made the 90%, I think that this week will be finished already. I'm happy here but I begin to look for
other jobs after 2 or 3 weeks here because It's a small company there will be difficult to continue working after the internship.
Finally I'm very happy with this experience and I love this city, the ambient in the city centre is amazing 24/7. There are a lot of people from some countries around the world, people with different cultures and histories. Dublin is full of student people and then there are a lot of party everyday, It's a very funny place to be. If you can have this experience I suggest you to say YES.
Best regards,

It has passed a long time from my last post in this blog, my apologies. I had not time to do things like this in the last weeks, I was looking for a job

After two months living on Dublin

The last week my teacher Carrión was here doing something in the Trinity College, he met all of us on some pubs around Dublin and we were able to met a spanish teacher from Trinity College. On saturday we went to the east coast to visit Bray

In my company we are currently working on a web app, we are close to finish it. I made the 90%, I think that this week will be finished already. I'm happy here but I begin to look for

Finally I'm very happy with this experience and I love this city, the ambient in the city centre is amazing 24/7. There are a lot of people from some countries around the world, people with different cultures and histories. Dublin is full of student people and then there are a lot of party everyday, It's a very funny place to be. If you can have this experience I suggest you to say YES.
Best regards,
GradIreland Summer Job Fair
Hello again, this time I received a notification about another job fair in Dublin I want to share with you, just in case you are looking for a job or maybe improve your english going to real interview where you could practice and maybe get a job.
This is the website of the event, http://gradireland.com/events/57016, and you could find there more information about the event.
I have to say this is an event for graduates, but one thing I've learned, you should not take much care about the job entry requirements, otherwise I would never be here. The job entry requirements are just to filter the people applying to that position, and sometimes you know you could be the best person for the job, but you don't have a degree, or the level of expertise they are looking for..... So my advice is don't look to much to the entry requirements for the job offers. You could have a good interview and the company could eventually create a new position for you, or give you a trial period or internships.
To finish this small post I would like to remind you to look over the internet to look at job fairs and open days and events like these where you could find a job, meet new people and know the way the companies work in Ireland.
Internship in Dublin
Dublin, Ireland
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