quinta-feira, 20 de junho de 2019

What place you will enjoy the most staying in Ireland?

During my internship in Dublin, I had the luck to be almost every weekend in different places around Ireland but the north. However, I think my suggestions can be useful to anyone who will stay there a couple of months.

There are a lot of companies which may suggest a one day trip to someplace. Ireland is not a big country and you can easily spend one day going to such beautiful towns and areas as Galway or Connemara, it may not be worth staying for around 6 hours on a bus for that. I'd better recommend you, if possible, to stay there for at least two days.

 Do you like most city or nature? I have four main places that I would recommend you depending on your preferences.

For nature lovers like me, I recommend going to Connemara, taking a trip to the ancient Celtic places in the center of Ireland and visit the Wicklow Mountains National Park. What I really liked the most was the fiords in Connemara. There you will see nature as wild as you probably expect and such a lonely and quiet and cold place is only interrupted by some dolphins and sailors from the little villages.

If you like the city way of life, there are also two places I would recommend: Galway and Cork.
I like more Galway because it is more colored and, I think, not as industrial as Cork. They are quite similar but I had the impression that Galway is a more artistic and bohemian place.

As important as where you are going it is who you are going with. There are, as I have said before, different companies that offer trips to those sites. My own experience is that the most expensive ones are the best ones, so I cannot recommend Paddywagon.

I have not been in Northern Ireland unfortunately, but I also heard there are very beautiful places and landscapes. Wherever you go, I am sure you will probably find something you will appreciate.

Simply Connemara

Lake in Wicklow Mountains National Park

Where to spend time

Once you have finished the search for accommodation, I recommend you doing tours during the weekends. These tours can be a bit expensive but they will be a good experience and you will see amazing places. Normally the tours take all day, they start from 6:30 to 8 and finish at 18:00 - 20:00.

In Dublin, there are a lot of places to visit everyday, after the working hours at the company. Interesting places to see are Richmond barracks, phoenix park (where you can see deers in the nature) or the archeological museum.

These are some interesting links to book tours:
  - https://www.irishdaytours.ie/
  - https://www.paddywagontours.com/

domingo, 16 de junho de 2019

Third and last month in Dublin.

Well, as I'm writing this lines I'm just less than 48 hours away from leaving Ireland.

This last month my brother and my cousin came to visit me, we spent a whole weekend together and I showed them the city.
We went to a "free tour". I higly recommend this tours if you are going to spend little time on a city because they usually show you the most famous places and things of the city in just 3 hours approximately. Also we went to Phoenix Park to see the deers and spend the morning of the saturday and we rented electric bikes, that was such a good decision as the park has an area of 7.07 square km (if you visit it walking you'll spend more than 3 or 4 hours walking).
Finally, if you like the party this is going to interest you, at night we went to a big nightclub here in Dublin, it's called The Academy and it has 3 floors with diferents types of music in each floor. The best part is that you can book before the day and entry for free until midnight.

The truth is that, excepting the weekend with my family I didn't went to a lot of places this month as I had to work very hard on my project, I usually went to the city centre at weekends to drink a beer with my friends.

Also I got sick last week (tonsillitis) and I had to go to the doctor because I felt bad, he gave me antibiotics for one week and recommended me to rest a few days until I felt better. Luckily I had the European Sanity Card with me and they only charged me with 2€ for the medicines. If you come here, don't forget about your card, it's very important if you don't want to pay a lot of money for the visit and the medicines.

So that's all, I have been here 3 months and a half (since the 28 of March) and without any doubt this has been one of the better and most valuables experiences of my life.

Good bye Ireland!

With my cousin and my brother on Temple Bar

On the entrance of the Kilbarrack centre (where I spended most of the days)

sábado, 15 de junho de 2019

Rumo ao B1 2018/2019

Rumo ao B1 2018/2019 - Actividade Complementar de Português

A actividade Rumo ao B1 destinou-se a, durante duas horas por semana, fornecer apoio aos alunos do ciclo plurilingue com o objectivo de os preparar para o exame de certificação do nível B1 do Quadro Comum Europeu de Referência para as Línguas e, também, para os estágios curriculares e extracurriculares que têm oportunidade de realizar em Portugal.

Os conteúdos leccionados foram os correspondentes com o nível B1, bem como outros que eram de igual importância para a criação de uma base de conhecimento da língua e cultura portuguesas sólida.

Tentei, ao longo do ano lectivo, levar para a aula materiais que permitissem trabalhar os diversos temas e que, ao mesmo tempo, mostrassem aos alunos o tipo de exercícios aos que, mais tarde, iriam ter que responder no exame. Exercícios para desenvolver as capacidades de expressão escrita e oral, bem como as das competências da compreensão, nos quais os alunos eram desafiados a sair da sua típica “caixa” de pensamento nas suas línguas maternas, o galego ou o castelhano, e a procurarem respostas numa nova compilação de conhecimentos, relativos à língua portuguesa.

A trabalhar no Projeto eTwinning "GaliMinho"

Falámos também de aspectos culturais e históricos que marcaram o século XX e XXI em Portugal: a vida académica portuguesa, a arte contemporânea da artista Joana Vasconcelos, a Revolução de 25 de Abril de 1974, o fenómeno da Eurovisão e o impacto que este concurso teve na situação política portuguesa, e ainda uma pequena análise da performance do candidato português de 2019.

Catarina com a turma 1SMR, a organizar um debate.

Foi um ano de aprendizagem tanto para os alunos como para mim que tive a minha primeira experiência de ensino. Creio que partilhamos todos um pouco de nós mesmos e isso proporcionou o desenvolvimento de uma relação de proximidade e confiança que ajudou a tornar o ambiente de aprendizagem descontraído e agradável para os alunos.

Tentarei, no próximo ano, continuar esta actividade, introduzindo novos elementos didácticos e melhorando o que até aqui foi feito, de modo a que os alunos tenham cada vez mais gosto em melhorar o seu português.

Queria ainda agradecer ao IES San Clemente pelos excelentes recursos que me foram proporcionados e por toda a ajuda que me foi dada quando dela necessitei.

Vemo-nos em outubro!

terça-feira, 11 de junho de 2019

Oceanario de Lisboa

Oceanário de Lisboa Gostei muito do ocenario de Lisboa, tem muitos peixes e anfíbios diferentes. Mas a entrada é um pouco cara a verdade. Mas eu ainda recomendo muito para visitar

segunda-feira, 3 de junho de 2019

Trips and experiences in Ireland.

After the first month in Dublin all went stabilized for me, so me and some friends I met here decided to do some trips.

We went to Galway which is a city on the west coast of Ireland. We went by train and it tooked us 3 hours to arrive there. The city is not so big, we visited the most important things in just one morning and we were going to stay there 2 days, so we went for a long walk all around the coast and at night we went out to party. I recommend it a lot as it's famous maybe is a city 'more irish' than Dublin which is very international.

Next week we went to play a match of paintball in a place located near Bray. It was a bit expensive (sadly as most of the things here) but it was exciting and the scenarios were awesome.

At work I'm still happy, I have plenty of tasks to do so I don't get bored and I can put in practice my knowledge.

Here I leave some photos of Galway and some of the paintball:

Taking a walk beside the sea.

Maybe you remember this houses
because of Ed Sheeran's Galway Girl song.

Streets of Galway at night

Paintball near Bray.

Balance de viaje

Los últimos días de O Porto estuvimos aprovechando para visitar lo que nos quedaba por ver en la ciudad y aquí os comparto algunas de las fotos

Finalmente ya hemos vuelta a Galicia y podemos tomarnos una Estrella Galicia en condiciones.

Aquí estamos en el San Clemente cubriendo los documentos restantes y con un poco de pena por haber sido un viaje de tan corta duración.