terça-feira, 17 de abril de 2018


Hello everyone. I'm here in Dublin for an internship.

The truth is that these first weeks have been quite busy looking for accommodation. It is a difficult subject to find accommodation in Dublin. For the rest, I've been working at Marino College at The Five Lamps and a couple of days at Fairview.

Marino College in Fairview

Mainly I am reinstalling computers and freezing them to avoid bad configurations in the future. I have also dealt with some problems with printers and switches.
When the classes are over, I will be able to reinstall whole rooms through the network and start working with the servers.

I will continue reporting in the coming days.

1 comentário:

  1. Hola Jacobo, se ve que también hace bueno en Dublín, no te olvides de turistear un poco.
    Un saludo.
