segunda-feira, 13 de abril de 2015

Work in Ireland

Hello again, today I’m going to talk about finding a job in Dublin, or I guess in Ireland in general.
The first thing you should think about is if you want to try to get a job here after your internship period or not, and this is very important, because time is passing and if you want to try to stay in Ireland you should know it the first week, or month, so you will have more time to search and sign up to as many offers you could.

Then, once you know you want to stay here you should ask for your PPS Number to the Department of Social Protection here this is like the NSS in spain, you will need it to work, if you are an EU citizen you won’t have any problem.

The first tip I could give you is to start looking for a job as soon as you could, here it may take 5 to 8 weeks for recruiters to even answer you, so if you start looking for a job one month before you leave you might have a couple of email replies when you are back at home, and this would be a shame, because you spend 3 months here in Ireland and you should have the opportunity to do at least some contacts and interviews while you are here.

In Ireland is common for the different companies to have Open Days or Spring Days or Career Fairs or things like that, this means the company opens for one or two days, usually gives you a free breakfast or some snack, and they welcome people who want to work there, so you could leave your CV and maybe have a chat with the person in charge of the section of the company you want to work in.
For example if Intel has an Open Day a Friday morning you could go there and leave your CV and talk with the manager of the IT department, or the engineering department.
This is very useful and you get more confident if you go to a couple of this Open Days. I strongly recommend you to search for this days in google and go to as many as you are interested so you will get a better understanding of how things work here in the company world.

There are also a couple of Job Fairs during the year, here in Dublin and in other citie, it is a very good place to drop some CVs and contact with different companies, they usually send some recruiters or HR people to talk with the candidates and then they could ask you to do a private interview or just get your contacts for the future.
There is one upcoming in Dublin next May:  you should take a llok and sign up and attend.

There are a lot of free conferences with some job opportunities too, so just search in google for your favourite language and you might find a conference. I am attending and talking in this one it is free to attend and if you like or know Drupal you will make some contacts there.

Another tip I have for you is about the CV presentation, there are a lot of information out there to create a good CV, but I would recommend you to be creative, this is always a good idea, I will leave this link here about a creative CV: just in case you want to take some of the tips.

And of course these are some of the Irish websites to look for a job:,,,

And that’s it, I hope you luck and patience for your job seeker experience.

2 comentários:

  1. Gracias por tomarte as molestias con estas cousas Luis. Moi interesante o post, a conferencia intentarei ir, xa falei cos meus compañeiros de traballo e eles suelen ir a moitas das que hay por aquí. Sobre o de encontrar traballo, está moi ben toda a info pero para min sería complicado, o meu nivel de inglés sigue sendo moi malo, quizais nun futuro. D todas formas aproveitarei estes meses para melloralo un pouco ^^

    Un saudo,

  2. Hai moitos tipos de reunions mensuais ou anuais que vos poden interesar, a que eu puxen vai de Drupal, e Drupal nada mais, así que se non vos interesa Drupal no creo que vos sexa de utilidade, pero como ésta hai de PHP en xeral, de WordPress, JavaScript e todo tipo de cousas.
    So hai que buscar un pouco por internet.

    E vos recomendo que vaiades á feira de emprego, creo que é gratis, e asi vedes o que hai.
    Se esperas a ter un bó ingles para aplicar a algún traballo nunca o farás, eu ainda falo mal e xa me ves aquí traballando....

