domingo, 31 de maio de 2015

De visita por Dublín e arredores

De visita por Dublín e arredores

Perante a estancia en Dublín realizáronse actividades co alumnado para coñecer arredores de Dublín e así visitar costa ao sur de Dublín (Bray, Killiney, Dalkey e Dún Laoghaire) así como participar no ambiente creado na noite do sábado 23 de maio con motivo da celebración de que Irlanda aprobara mediante referendo modificar a súa constitución para aprobar o matrimonio entre dúas persoas sen distinción de sexo.

De Dublín partimos cara sur por medio do DART (Dublin Area Rapid Train). Visitamos:


É unha pequena cidade costeira con cerca de 30.000 habitantes. É a penúltima parada da liña cara o sur. É ideal para pasear polo seu paseo de beiramar e gozar do bo tempo tomando un xeado:


Despois desprazámonos en DART até a vila de Killiney para dar un paseo por casas de famosos artistas, como a de Bono de U2:

E veciños:

Dende aí iniciamos o ascenso á Colina de Dalkey (Dalkey Hill) dentro do parque de Killiney. Hai que ir con algo de reservas enerxéticas pois o paseo merece a pena.

Realizamos o descenso até Dalkey ... camiñando.


Neste bonito pobo viviu perante un tempo o escritor James Joyce. En Dalkey escribiu o primeiro capítulo da súa obra mestra Ulysses.

Dalkey é un pobo moi bonito para pasear, con casas con moito colorido. Tamén é un lugar apropiado para comer:

De regreso no DART para Dublín paramos en

Dún Laoghaire
Nesta vila de case 40.000 habitantes é de onde saen as principais rutas marítimas que unen Irlanda con Reino Unido.
Alí vimos como o Deportivo mantiña a categoría na primeira división xogando contra o Barcelona.

En Dublín foron varias as veces nas que se quedou para compartir a evolución das prácticas e case sempre ao redor dunhas pintas de comida típica irlandesa:

Nunha das ocasión quedamos coa Profesora Dra. Inmaculada Arnedillo no Trinity College nun dos pubs típicos nos que se reúnen os dublineses ao saír do traballo: The Bank (20-22 College Green en fronte ao Banco de Irlanda).

Para aos que lles gusta a sidra ... unha das marcas favoritas dos irlandeses é Bulmers!

Noutra das ocasións tivemos a sorte de participar no ambiente que se creou o sábado 23 de maio cando xa se coñecía que YES vencera ao NO no referendo realizado para incluír na constitución irlandesa que o matrimonio podería realizarse entre 2 persoas de calquera sexo.

Este vídeo é unha pequena mostra do ambiente que se viviu aquela noite.

Pola miña parte agradecer a Sebas, Diego, Xesús e Javier os momentos compartidos e sobre todo ver como ían desenvolvendo as súas prácticas con soltura e profesionalidade.

Carlos Carrión

Estadía en Trinity College (Job Shadowing)

En el Trinity College fui recibido por la Profesora Dra. Dª Inmaculada Arnedillo-Sánchez. Las actividades llevadas a cabo en la institución han estado relacionadas con parte técnica y parte pedagógica:
  • Con respecto a la parte técnica se han revisado aspectos relacionados con la migración de servicios básicos de red como DNS o Active Directory a servicios en la nube.
  • Con respecto a la parte pedagógica se han analizado las ventajas e inconvenientes de aspectos relacionados con Mobile Learning (ML) y con Computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL).

Carlos Carrión

Seguimento FCT Dublín - 2015





INFORME  - CURSO 2014/2015

27 de xuño de 2015
Carlos Carrión Álvarez

1.- Introdución

No presente informe dáse conta sobre a visita realizada, por quen subscribe, a Dublín, entre os días 18 e 25 de maio de 2015 ao alumnado que estaba a realizar a FCT a través do programa Europeo Erasmus+.
Atoparase información relativa ao alumnado, ás actividades realizadas por estes, ao seu hospedaxe, ás empresas anfitrioas, á axencia intermediaria e as impresións obtidas ao longo da visita.
Este traballo foi coordinado cos responsables dos proxectos europeos D. Marcos Vence e Dna. Cristina París.

2.- Contextualización

O alumnado, que abaixo se menciona, realizou as prácticas da Formación en Centros de Traballo en empresas da cidade irlandesa de Dublín, dentro do marco do programa Erasmus+. A estancia transcorreu entre as datas  do 1 de abril de 2015 e 16 de xuño de 2015.
O alumnado participante foi o seguinte e estivo realizando as prácticas nas empresas que se indican:

Sebastián Cabanas Vázquez
Zappy Ltd
Xesús Couselo Gende
Asavie Technogies
Diego García Montero
Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education
Javier Rodríguez García

Ao final do presente desenvólvese máis detalladamente a información sobre cada un dos alumnos e as súas empresas.

terça-feira, 26 de maio de 2015

Fifty days in London

After more than 50 days in London, I think I can make an assessment of the experience ;D

We started with the arrival in London, after landing at Heathrow (the ideal airport to come to London) I went by tube to the house of my host family, in Tottenham, very close to the station "Tottenham Hale", which belongs to the "Victoria Line ", one of the major tube lines of the city"
From the first day, I can say that was almost the only day when it rained since I've been here! Everyone warns you that in London the weather is horrible, but the truth is that since I'm here is usually sunny.

The street where I live

As for the family, the truth is that I think I can say I was very lucky, the landlady is a very friendly person who tries to help as much as possible, the room is large, the house is practically new and it is located in a nice area.

From the house to my workplace during internship in Victoria, I have about 30 minutes by metro (Victoria Line), it can be a little stressful because of the thousands of people who use the subway every day, but is the best transport option.
My office is located in central London, 111 Buckingham Palace Road, just 800 meters from Buckingham Palace, in a huge office building, where are companies like "The Telegraph",  the truth is that  is a privilege to do the Erasmus+ internship in a place like this.

My office

Regarding to free time, I can say that I have already visited the most famous sights of London (Tower Bridge, Tower of London, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square ...) London is an amazing city for sightseeing, have many places to visit, every day there are hundreds of activities throughout the city, and there is always something new to do or discover.
About things to consider before coming, I think the most important thing is to look thoroughly good accommodation to stay, make sure what you are paying is exactly what you will receive, and avoid at all costs pay anything for advance.
London is an extremely expensive city, so it is essential to plan all your steps here before arrive, accommodation, transport, food... Being the most important thing the transport / accommodation ratio.

In short, I value these 50 days in London in a very positive way,  is an amazing experience, knowing from within the reality of one of the most important cities in the world, with the pros and cons London entails. A multicultural city where everything is possible, where you can meet people from all over the world, and that is certainly a perfect place to start...

Último Trimestre como Auxiliar de Conversação

No último trimestre como auxiliar de conversação, uma vez que os alunos que me foram atribuidos durante o primeiro e segundo trimestre foram para estágio, fiquei encarregada de lecionar numa turma do 1.º ano ASIR e em duas turmas destinadas aos professores da escola, que estivessem interessados em aprender e desenvolver a aprendizagem do Português.     

Os professores foram divididos em duas turmas, tendo em conta o seu conhecimento da língua portuguesa, pelo que se formou uma turma de nível inicial e outra de nível avançado. 
Tal como aconteceu nos primeiros trimestres, este revelou-se igualmente enriquecedor, uma vez que permitiu o contacto com outros alunos, possibilitou a criação de outros materiais e o desenvolvimento de novas práticas de conversação. 
E, como o ano letivo caminha a passos largos para o final, em jeito de balanço, defino a experiência de auxiliar de conversação como uma atividade motivadora que permitiu a constante aprendizagem dos alunos e da auxiliar e que, se possível, vale a pena realizar! 

sexta-feira, 22 de maio de 2015

Apartamento em Lisboa

Bom dia!
Estou em Lisboa há quase 2 meses e hoje vou apresentar o apartamento que arrendei!

O meu apartamento fica na Rua Gonçalves Crespo, a 500 metros do Marquês de Pombal, a 600  do Inete e a 700  da Teleperformance da Estefânia.

A minha rua é a que está a amarelo, o Inete é o que tem o círculo azul.
O meu apartamento tem 4 quartos, uma sala, uma cozinha, uma casa de banho e uma varanda.

E por último, este é o meu quarto até ao final do estágio em Lisboa

Antes era  assim

E agora está assim!

domingo, 17 de maio de 2015

Suddenly, more than the half of the internship is already gone!

We just left back the half of our time in the internship, and the last month from the 2 and a half is beginning. In this time, I tested a lot of apps, and I had to read a lot of coding and manuals about how to code. Also, of course, I learned a lot from all the experience with this amazing developers. First, about how real apps are developed, and secondly how a developing company works, not forgetting about life in Prague and in Central Europe. In a month and a half I had time to travel, to meet old friends who are living here, and to know new people. I know I'll probably go back to my normal life in June, but as always, I'll go back knowing that Prague will be always in my heart in a very special place.

The only thing I miss is the fact that I travelled less than I wanted. It's not so easy to organize people to go outside from the city, but just visiting places like Český Krumlov (in the picture) or Dresden worth the experience of being here. And of course (I'll never stop saying it), knowing Prague, and its magic, much much better.

sexta-feira, 8 de maio de 2015

Visit of Heinz-Georg Beckmann

This week we have received the visit of Heinz-Georg Beckmann, head of the European team in Kaufmännische Berufsbildende Schulen - Nordhorn, Germany.

Our school, IES San Clemente, collaborates with this German school receiving students to do their internship in Santiago de Compostela. The last student who came was Sandrine. There are also plans to continue receiving other students next school year.

In the interview we had with Heinz-Georg, he explains us some details about the part time courses in Germany, which imply doing part of the study period at a company.

In this presentation you can find more information about this German school.

Students from IES San Clemente have also the opportunity to do their internship at companies in Nordhorn.


quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2015

My Dublin Experience.

It's a month since I'm here in Dublin so I think it's time to talk about my experience.

I arrived Dublin on march 25 with my classmates Diego and Xesús, the weather was bad and we had to walk a lot to the hostel with the luggage and to make things worse it was raining.
When we finally arrived at the hostel we were exhausted so we ate something to recover strength and we went to bed early to recover from the trip and rest.

The next day the weather was better, a perfect day to find flat and see a bit the city, but it will be harder that I thought, because my work is on Dublin 4, a bad district to find flat, or at least a cheap one, the student residences nearby my company were all full till June and the hostel families and flats too far or too expensive, everything seemed to go wrong, but at least the sun was shining.

I decided to buy a phone card to walk for Dublin streets easier, call a couple of host families and communicate with my family, and I have to say that the prices here are a lot cheaper than Spain, 20 euros for unlimited calls and 7,5 Gb data.

While a I was walking on the streets with Xesús we decided to visit our companies because they are very close and it was a good idea to familiarize with the place and reach more easily the next time.

After a couple of days finally I found a residence on Dublin 9, maybe too far from my company, but at least the residence is really good and my flatmates are good people.

My first day of job came almost without realizing it. That day I woke up early to met Andrés on St Martin's House, so friendly he presented my co-workers and he explained me what was the company about and what were they doing. After a while talking with him, he showed me the the servers of the company and he explained me what my work was about.

Almost without realizing it the days passed quickly and I still have pending a travel to visit the Irish coast, thing that I hope to do as soon as possible.

I don't have much more to say, only  recommend everyone to do intership because I think it's a unforgettable experience that I can assure nobody will regret.

terça-feira, 5 de maio de 2015

Dublin - Part 1


I am talking a lot with my host family, they invite me to breakfast or dinner with them from time to time.
They told me about some places that I should visit near Raheny.
I use to walk to everywhere I need to go; work, supermarket...It is a good way to kep fit while I don't find a gym.

One day, when I woke up, I thought that it was a good idea to go to the coast. I started to walk at 11 am.I went to St. Anne's Park, I think that is the biggest of Dublin. It has a lot of Gaelic football courses and people use to run, cycling... It is 4 km from my house.

I keep walking to Bull Island, a natural reserve and bird sanctuary with a lot of crows, seagulls...

Between the park and the beach, we can find a golf course. A lot of people practise this sport. Steve, my landlord, invited me to play golf. Maybe someday. I continue to the beach. It has many kilometres to walk, cycling, run...There were a lot of people but not swimming. It was a cloudy and cold day.

There were jellyfish stranded on the sand. The tide was slack and the beach was very flat and long.

I returned to my home after a long day walking.
The next day I met with my friends, they already had a room in a shared house with other two guys. After 30 minutes walking, I found the house in Beaumont Road.

In all my posts, I will introduce one part of our culinary skills. This time, we did a tribute to the Spanish omelette, specially dedicated to our mothers.

 Honestly, I think it is the best omelette we made in our lives.
