quarta-feira, 22 de abril de 2015

Estágio em Lisboa - Torre de Belém e Pastéis

Desde que cheguei a Lisboa, não vi muito mais do que aquilo que a doutora Ana nos mostrou. Durante a primeira semana saía muito cansada do estágio e, por isso só saía para ir às compras. Por isso, não tenho mais nada a dizer…


No estágio, as coisas correram muito bem e tenho a sorte de ter colegas muito bons. Com eles já aprendi algumas coisas que não sabia. Eu fui para a sede que fica perto da Expo. A EXPA ou EXPO Atlântico.

Tenho cinco colegas muito amáveis e sempre dispostos a ensinarem-me o que preciso para fazer os trabalhos que me pedem.

No último domingo, ainda que não estava muito bem, apanhei o metro até ao Cais do Sodré e depois o elétrico. Primeiro fui até à Torre de Belém, só a vi por fora porque a fila para entrar era muito grande. Fui ao Mosteiro dos Jerónimos onde comprei uns pastéis de Belém para provar. Estavam muito saborosos! Mas sem canela, porque não gosto do seu sabor! Como o Starbucks fica perto de onde se vendem os pastéis, fui lá tomar um café antes de voltar para casa para descansar e estar bem para segunda-feira.

sexta-feira, 17 de abril de 2015

Estágio em Lisboa, Teleperformance da Estefânia

Bom dia a tod@s!

Tal como os meus colegas Jose e Victoria, estou a fazer o estágio na Teleperformance em Lisboa, eu estou na sede da Rua de Estefânia.

Esta sede da Teleperformance é a mais antiga, fica mesmo debaixo do INETE, tem um bar, várias salas para conferências, os postos de trabalho e uma sala de reparação para os informáticos, que é onde eu estou quase todo o dia.

Como esta é uma sede muito antiga, há  todo o tipo  de computadores e materiais informáticos, desde o windows 98, até ao windows 10, o qual testamos hoje. Disquetes, discos rígidos de apenas 20 GB ou de menos! Backups do ano 1996, os primeiros cartões de rede que permitiram o acesso à Internet...na sala de reparações podes ver de tudo!

Testando windows 10
O meu chefe é um senhor chamado Ulisses,ele e o seu colega Luís dizem-me a mim e aos meus dois colegas de estágio, que são de Lisboa, o que temos de fazer. O trabalho é muito fácil e os chefes estão sempre prontos a ajudar e a resolver qualquer dúvida que nós tenhamos.
Material para classificar, computadores para arranjar, problemas para resolver nos postos de trabalho, organizar a sala de reparações, quase sempre há alguma coisa para fazer! (E quando não há, podemos usar os computadores da sala de reparação, menos os computadores do Luís: se mexeres morres!))

Um abraço desde Lisboa!

Preparação dos estágios internacionais no INETE!

As férias da Páscoa no INETE foram tempo de aprender novas línguas! Os 24 alunos que irão realizar estágios através do programa Erasmus+ em Espanha (Santiago de Compostela, Madrid e Sevilha) e Itália (Cosenza) tiveram aulas de preparação linguística. A maioria dos estágios será realizada em junho/julho.

quinta-feira, 16 de abril de 2015

Seguimento da FCT – Primavera 2015

Na primavera de 2015 realizan a FCT no estranxeiro 10 alumnos a través do programa Erasmus+.

Neste período foron catro os destinos escollidos polo alumnado:
  • Dublín: Diego, Xesús, Javier e Sebastián.
  • Londres: Esteban.
  • Praga: Luis
  • Lisboa: Jose, Yolanda, Gabriel e Victoria.

Os titores mantemos contacto por correo electrónico co alumnado. Despois de case tres semanas do inicio da FCT, comezamos a facer entrevistas mediante Skype, Hangouts ou teléfono.

Os contidos das entrevistas están sendo transcritos ao TwinSpace do proxecto.

quarta-feira, 15 de abril de 2015

Sábado em Lisboa. A beber algo na esplanada de um bar.



As vistas eram muito bonitas, mas quando o empregado de mesa me disse que a Coca-cola (330cl) custava 4€ fiquei assim.

Visita à Expo - Lisboa

Nós os quatro mais a Ana Baio visitamos a Expo. É muito linda a Expo.

O meu posto de trabalho desde 2.ª feira até 6.ª feira - Lisboa

How we get a place in 5 days

We arrived in Dublin Wednesday night with two nights of hostel (Ashfield House, kind a nice). Thursday we woke up full of hope to find a place right away, but that will not become a real thing. Looking for a place in Dublin it’s a frustrating process when no one answer mails, and even if they do the answer is to say it’s full or shockingly expensive. So, by the end of the day, I started to think that we were doing something wrong.

The second day I sent an email to an old student who is living here now, to catch up and get some advices about finding a place. The whole day was a waste, and we have to move to another motel because our get full and also on weekends the price rise a lot. At night we meet these guys and between paints of Guinness they told us that writing it’s a waste and we should start moving around and calling.

The weekend came so the thing gets harder and also the second hostel I picked It was rubbish, So we spend the day walking around, mailing and such with no results whatsoever. Sunday we focused on internet again, finally on the afternoon we found a web page with a direction so we decide to go in person if the other billion mails didn’t get to a good result.

Finally, It’s Monday again, none of the mails sent got us something good so we went to this place and they told us that exist a place with available bedrooms (kind a faraway), but finally we found a place. I spent two more days in hostels in the very city centre to not getting late to work (the main point to come here) as long as I get to know the city and that’s it.

Dublin - Part 0

Hi guys!

We arrived in Dublin the 25 of March after 12 hours of travel, leaving Santiago de Compostela at 9 in the morning. We went by train to Madrid and after, we flew to Dublin.

The first pic of Dublin at night.

I slept two nights with my classmates in the Ashfield House, a cheap hostel (not in the weekend) near the Trinity College. We had the breakfast included and we paid 20 per night.

While we were living in the hostel, we cooked a difficult menu with our big budget.

I had to work the 26. My first experience with the Irish public transport. It is expensive, but comfortable and with free wifi!
I used the dart (commuter train), 2.7 per trip, from Tara Station to Kilbarrack, where I work.

My boss, Hashmit Parker, introduced me to the workers. We visited the campus of Kilbarrack, Raheny and Coolock. This is a pic of the IT office. I work with another partner, Jude. He is from South Africa but he has been living in Ireland for 8 years.

The next days we spent the time looking for site to live, as a shared room, apartment or another hostel. I found a host family near Kilbarrack, in Raheny. They are a scout family in the North of Dublin (D5), Elaine, Steve and his sons, Dyan and Alana. They are very friendly and talk a lot with me. I am happy to improve my English every day.

That's all for now!
In the next chapter will have more beers and new places!

segunda-feira, 13 de abril de 2015

Work in Ireland

Hello again, today I’m going to talk about finding a job in Dublin, or I guess in Ireland in general.
The first thing you should think about is if you want to try to get a job here after your internship period or not, and this is very important, because time is passing and if you want to try to stay in Ireland you should know it the first week, or month, so you will have more time to search and sign up to as many offers you could.

Then, once you know you want to stay here you should ask for your PPS Number to the Department of Social Protection here http://www.welfare.ie/en/Pages/Personal-Public-Service-Number-How-to-Apply.aspx this is like the NSS in spain, you will need it to work, if you are an EU citizen you won’t have any problem.

The first tip I could give you is to start looking for a job as soon as you could, here it may take 5 to 8 weeks for recruiters to even answer you, so if you start looking for a job one month before you leave you might have a couple of email replies when you are back at home, and this would be a shame, because you spend 3 months here in Ireland and you should have the opportunity to do at least some contacts and interviews while you are here.

In Ireland is common for the different companies to have Open Days or Spring Days or Career Fairs or things like that, this means the company opens for one or two days, usually gives you a free breakfast or some snack, and they welcome people who want to work there, so you could leave your CV and maybe have a chat with the person in charge of the section of the company you want to work in.
For example if Intel has an Open Day a Friday morning you could go there and leave your CV and talk with the manager of the IT department, or the engineering department.
This is very useful and you get more confident if you go to a couple of this Open Days. I strongly recommend you to search for this days in google and go to as many as you are interested so you will get a better understanding of how things work here in the company world.

There are also a couple of Job Fairs during the year, here in Dublin and in other citie, it is a very good place to drop some CVs and contact with different companies, they usually send some recruiters or HR people to talk with the candidates and then they could ask you to do a private interview or just get your contacts for the future.
There is one upcoming in Dublin next May: http://www.jobsexpo.ie/  you should take a llok and sign up and attend.

There are a lot of free conferences with some job opportunities too, so just search in google for your favourite language and you might find a conference. I am attending and talking in this one http://2015.drupal.ie/ it is free to attend and if you like or know Drupal you will make some contacts there.

Another tip I have for you is about the CV presentation, there are a lot of information out there to create a good CV, but I would recommend you to be creative, this is always a good idea, I will leave this link here about a creative CV: http://www.iterate.ie/blog/lets-talk-ux-cv-makeover just in case you want to take some of the tips.

And of course these are some of the Irish websites to look for a job: http://www.jobs.ie/,  http://www.irishjobs.ie/, http://www.computerjobs.ie/, http://www.jobsireland.ie/

And that’s it, I hope you luck and patience for your job seeker experience.

domingo, 12 de abril de 2015

Os pastéis de Belém

Bom dia. No sábado eu e o Jose visitamos Belém e provamos os  famosos pastéis de Belém.

Primeiro,fomos ao Padrão dos Descobrimentos é muito grande e formoso,

Depois,fomos  à Torre de Belém

E por último,fomos buscar os pastéis de Belém. Gostei muito deles

sábado, 11 de abril de 2015

Writing about Ireland after a couple of weeks

 This picture is from this morning, I went to Enniskerry. The town is situated on the Glencullen River in the foothills of the Wicklow Mountains to the east of the island, just 5 minutes south of the Dublin border and some 24 km south of Dublin city centre. It's a beautiful place to walk around, a lot of vegetation, trees, the river, all is very green and the air is so clean.

Two weeks ago I arrived to Irelands airport, I was so nervous and not sure about my english level, but after the first days I begin to feel myself more comfortable. In the beginning of my stay here the weather was so cold and the wind was heavy and I caught a cold, but now I'm fine.

I'm living with a host family, they are so amazing and friendly people, the last week I came with them to the south of Ireland to visit one of his sons, the sunday of easter. He and her wife made a party, there was a lot of people from some countries like US, Brazil and Ireland. It was an amazing party, I met a lot of people especially from the US, this group was on Ireland only for holidays but they were fine people, and I met a girl from Brazil that speaks spanish. Mike and Liz are friendly and they try to help to improve my English speaking skills.

I'm living in Leopardstown in the south of Dublin, 20 or 30 minutes to my work place in Ranelagh (traveling in Luas train) close to the canal. The name of the company is Zappy and we make applications for android, ios and web. I'm fine at the company, the people are funny and friendly. In the company you can find people from different countries like Venezuela, Chile, Ireland and Spain amongst others.I'm working in the same room with people from south america and some irish people, we speak spanish a lot of times but some times i need to speak with my Irish coworkers and it's hard to me but I'm trying my best.  We are working now in  developing a web app for a company which rents and sells robes for graduations, I need to learn how to use the framework CakePHP to do so.It's a little hard for me because all is new, we didn´t learn how to develop a web page with php at school but i'm looking for some tutorials and I'm learning slowly. At least we made the design of the database ( I'm working in this project with my coworker who is doing a internship here, just like me) and we are trying to learn more and more about CakePHP and the web development.

And with this I bade farewell, I have two months to improve my English skills and to start to be a good developer, wish me luck i will need it ;).


quarta-feira, 8 de abril de 2015

Thoughts from Prague after 2 weeks here

2 days of driving, crossing all Europe to arrive at the heart of Bohemia. Then, Prague receive me at night, beautiful as always. In fact, the most time I spend here, the most I like all this old streets. Just walking surrounded by spectacular buildings (and I'm not talking about churches, museums or diplomatic places, I'm talking about buildings with apartments. But the architecture of this city is, simply, awesome), looking at its parks, its towers (I live near the Žižkov Tower, the highest one, too modern for my taste but impressive with the babies from David Černý crawling up and the night's lightning) and of course, its bridges. Even if I'm more in the high part of the city and I haven't gone so much near the Vltava.
About the work, I live just 20 minutes by walking from the office, a very nice walking crossing 3 parks. The office is spectacular and, even if I'm still a stranger there as the new one (and language is still a break to solve, because of course they speak English with me, but the official language there is Czech...  A moje čeština je špatně! (My Czech is horrible)). Anyway, this first week I've been working on a File Manager App. Quite good to learn a lot and I'm quite proud of the result. But it's obvious that I still need much more training to consider myself a developer. We have still more than 2 months to improve both: my developer skills, and my Czech language abilities.

terça-feira, 7 de abril de 2015

A criar imagens do sistema

Desde que entrei Mapfre estou a fazer imagens do sistema com as novas atualizações
Aqui estou a criar uma imagem do sistema no passo das atualizações para os computadores de reserva

Telefone IP

No quarto dia de trabalho estive a  montar 4 telefones ip na cave de Mapfre e a mudar as ligações de rede no data center e no rack intermédio.
O cabo azul é o do ip,este é o panel depatch e o panel de telefone está conectado ao data center.
O segundo patch panel e indica o piso onde está ligado e a roseta.